
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Provisional Approval

Got a call today from our caseworker with Hague that our Provisional Approval had been issued on Tuesday, November 14th-exactly 5 months from the date that we sent our referral in for Andrew. I was thrilled but VERY disappointed that she did not email it to me. She sent it out by "snail" mail so we will not receive it until Saturday. At this point of our wait EVERY day makes a big difference. Our agency will get it on Monday and send it to China with our signed LOA. We need things to move very fast so that we can leave for China on January 19th. Please pray with us that this will happen. If we are not able to leave by then we will have to wait until March to travel because of Chinese New Year. We do not want our sweet boy to be without us until then. Thank you for your prayers.

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